Horseshoe Wood, Inc. is the southwest's premier manufacturer's representative agency. With over 45 years in business, we are proud to represent the woodworking industry's most highly respected and innovative manufacturers. With over 170 years of combined technical and sales experience, our group is built to assist your company with it's cabinet hardware and adhesives requirements.

Celebrating Over 4 decades in business!!

Horseshoe Wood is the result of a set of core beliefs, set forth by our founder, William H. Rogers. These beliefs are: Always treat everyone we come in contact with with respect and kindness. Always give full effort to every endeavor. And, above all else, be humble.

By following these beliefs, Horseshoe Wood has become the premier manufacturers representative agency in the southwest. We wish to thank all of our employees, both past and present, our valued supplier partners, and all of our customers for making this possible.

Product Suppliers

BlumEuropean Hardware


Doellken WoodtapeEdgebanding

3A CompositesGator Ply Interply Materials

Deerwood Fasteners

Federal Brace